Healthcare Sector
Vulnerable to Hackers
Researchers tell The Washington Post there are gaping security holes in the healthcare industry.
Online Patient Portals:
Unveiling the Doctor’s Note
The growing demand for patient engagement has led to more healthcare organizations granting access to physician notes, according to American Medical News. |
University Creates Real-Time,
EHR-Based Cancer Registry
The University of Kentucky has created the nation’s first working model for EHR reporting of cancer cases to the state’s cancer registry.
Cancer incidence is higher in Kentucky than in any other state. The EHR model allows Kentucky oncologists and other providers to feed clinical data to the Kentucky Cancer Registry in real time, helping epidemiologists identify trends in cancer statistics more quickly than before.
The model officially was put in use on October 19, 2012. Reports for five cancer cases newly diagnosed at Paducah Dermatology PLLC were securely transmitted using the Team Chart Concept EHR system provided by Ulrich Medical Concepts, Inc.
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Discharge Follow-Up Appointment
Challenge Winners
The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology’s Discharge Follow-Up Appointment Challenge required developers to create Web-based tools that make postdischarge follow-up appointment scheduling a more effective and shared process for providers, patients, and caregivers. The first place winner, MyHealthDIRECT, was awarded $5,000 cash and a pilot opportunity. The second and third place teams, HePak and mHealthCoach, were awarded showcase and learning sessions with innovative communities.
MyHealthDIRECT is a Web-based solution that matches the demand for healthcare appointments with a supply of actual appointment slots, enabling discharge planners to search through their provider networks for appointments and book and confirm them on behalf of their patients. Appointment reminders come in the form of e-mail and text, and the system is highly scalable, available, configurable, and modifiable.
HePak (Health Pass Key) brings access to its information through three secure portals that offer entity-specific features to hospitals, providers, and patients. The system contains health information exchange functionality and tracks appointments, admissions, transfers, and discharges. Portal functionality provides structured support to self-care by managing appointments and demographic/clinical information, learning about clinical procedures, and receiving appointment reminders and updates via e-mail and text messages.
The mHealthCoach Care Transition Kit seeks to reduce hospital readmission rates for congestive heart failure patients using a patient-centric approach. The key modules include a hospital discharge tablet, real-time updates with secure messaging, multiple calendar syncing, educational content, and medication literacy. The machine learning system attempts to keep all stakeholders in sync. The tool’s intuitive search incorporates 12 Health and Human Services data feeds, making relevant information retrievable when necessary. Learn more »
QualityAdvisor App
QualityAdvisor, a Premier healthcare alliance app on the PremierConnect integrated performance platform, enables healthcare facilities to integrate and compare patient-level quality, safety, and financial outcomes data with other providers across the United States to reduce hospital-acquired conditions, mortality, readmissions, and costs. QualityAdvisor delivers timely, actionable information to all levels of a health organization while identifying quality and cost improvement opportunities, understanding drivers for variation in practice, and monitoring quality of care.
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iDr 24/7 Telemedicine App
Consult A Doctor’s iDr 24/7 is a telemedicine iPhone app that instantly connects mobile users with board-certified physicians via phone and secure e-mail messaging for live, on-demand medical consultations, including medical diagnosis, treatment, and prescriptions to certain medications to treat nonemergent conditions. Learn more »
SecuraFone Health
SecuraTrac, a provider of mobile health and safety solutions, has developed SecuraFone Health, which can alert doctors, caregivers, and family in real time when an unexpected health event occurs. SecuraFone Health can detect falls, caregiver-defined heart rate changes, and respiration rate changes as well as other key vitals and send an alert, including information about the user’s location, to designated contacts. It employs an adhesive sensor worn by the user on his or her chest or back to monitor vitals 24 hours per day. The patches are water resistant and can be worn for two to three days before needing to be replaced. They have up to a 50-foot communication radius for sending notifications to the user’s smartphone. Learn more » |
ICD-10: Give Them Something to Talk About
A sharply defined, far-reaching communication strategy keeps everyone in an organization on their toes and up to speed. Read more »
Document Management Challenges
HIM departments are learning that EHRs aren’t a catch-all for document storage. Read more »
Partners in High Finance
Collaboration between case management and revenue cycle management can produce healthier bottom lines and healthier patients. Read more »
Documentation in Motion
Connecting speech recognition technology with mobile devices is the next evolution in the quest to make note taking more convenient for physicians. Read more » |
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