911 Dispatch Center
Breaches Data A western Pennsylvania police chief is in hot water over reports that the municipality's 911 dispatch center was regularly accessed by unauthorized individuals, a HIPAA violation, according to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.
Hospitals Build Their
Own HIT to Meet Needs
While vendors dominate the scene, some providers still opt for homegrown IT systems, reports InformationWeek Healthcare. |
Have a coding or transcription question? Get an expert answer by sending an
e-mail to edit@gvpub.com.
This month’s selection:
Why is modifier 58 not approved for CPT 61796? We have a patient who just had CPT 61796 performed, but this patient already is in a global period from a surgery less than 90 days ago for the same lesion. Modifier 58 makes sense to me; however, it is not an approved modifier for CPT 61796.
I wonder if this has anything to do with CPT 61796 and multiple sessions. CPT states 61796 typically is performed in a single planning and treatment session but can be performed with more than one planning session and in a limited number of treatment sessions (up to five).
Cristy Donaldson, CPC, CPMA Coding Specialist Knoxville, Tennessee
I believe the code is not labeled as surgical, therefore, modifier 58 is not applicable. The code is categorized as radiation therapy and does not carry a surgical designation.
— Gail I. Smith, MA, RHIA, CCS-P, is president of Gail I. Smith Consulting and an AHIMA-approved ICD-10-CM/PCS trainer. |
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Can Social Media Data Find a Place in EHRs?
Logistics and legal concerns are major obstacles in the path of gathering this information for permanent residence in the medical record. Read more »
Staffing Shortages Plague HIT
Stressed-out CIOs aren’t getting much help from IT professionals, many of whom ply their trade in other industries or opt to become consultants. Read more »
How to Select the Perfect CAC Solution
Address pertinent issues and perform thorough reference checks before pulling the trigger on an expensive purchase. Read more »
The Evolution of Telehealth
Changes are occurring rapidly within this influential technology niche. Read more » |
How to Navigate ‘Education Row’ at AHIMA
By Stephanie Donovan, MBA, RHIA
Attending the AHIMA annual national conference is an experience all its own, especially for first timers. The educational sessions and speakers are cutting-edge; long conference days spill into evenings of networking and social events; and when the conference ends, many find themselves inspired and reenergized to work in the exciting field of HIM.
One of the best ways to take a mental break during the conference and learn about new products and services is exploring the vendor hall, an HIM candy shop of sorts. It’s there in the vendor hall that you’ll likely find HIM academic programs represented. So if you are interested in starting or advancing your HIM education, where should you start?
Full Story » |
mySharp Mobile App
mySharp, the online patient portal for Sharp HealthCare and Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Centers, now is available as an app. Sharp Rees-Stealy patients with a mySharp account can use the app to schedule, cancel, and view selected appointments; view select test results; send a message to their doctor's office; get directions and maps; and view their health profile, including their allergies, conditions, immunizations, medications, and vital signs. Learn more »
Plan A Birth Control App
Plan A Birth Control, a free iPad app, was developed at UCLA to help women select a birth control method. It lists the top 10 forms of reversible birth control from the most effective to the least effective; includes a photo of each form of birth control; describes how it works, how to use it, and how it’s inserted; lists the benefits; and reveals potential side effects, risks, and warning signs. Once a user selects a type of birth control from the app, questions appear that help her decide whether that method is right for her. The app is designed to help women prepare for a visit with a contraception counselor or an OB/GYN by providing basic and medically accurate information on birth control, saving time during appointments and resulting in better informed patients. Learn more »
MDLinx Oncology Articles App
MDLinx Oncology Articles, a journal aggregator mobile app, reviews the latest oncology-specific journal articles and allows oncologists to choose what journals they want to follow, filter by subspecialty, and search articles by key term or tumor type. The content is selected from more than 150 oncology journals and updated daily as new abstracts are published. Physician editors at MDLinx summarize the articles and rank them based on clinical practice impact. Users can also read third-party reviews and recommendations, link to PubMed or the full journal article site, and share abstracts with colleagues. Learn more »
MyRoutine iPad App
MyRoutine, created by Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee, allows parents and providers to create visual stories to let children who function well with schedules and routines know what to expect, helping to reduce anxieties and provide structure. A doctor’s appointment or bedtime routine can be turned into a series of tasks, using the iPad’s camera to take photos or video of each step. The app also includes a photo gallery of children going through a routine checkup at the doctor’s office. The child can tap the photos for a reward sound when a task has been completed. Learn more » |