Sometimes the time and effort involved in tackling a project just isn’t worth it. For example, a broken garbage disposal for a novice handyman may take hours, with no guarantee that the next batch of scraps will make its way successfully down the drain.
However, there are times when the reward of arduous work outweighs the inconvenience. Case in point, enrolling providers in Out-of-State Medicaid, an unruly, hair-pulling process few health care organizations choose to undertake.
Nevertheless, as this month’s E-News Exclusive points out, the frustration can be well worth it.
— Lee DeOrio, editor |
Provider Enrollment Critical for Out-of-State Medicaid Revenue
By Olivia Currin-Britt
Millions of dollars are written off every year because health care organizations avoid provider enrollment in Out-of-State Medicaid due to its complexity. The process of seeking Medicaid payment is onerous and intricate, especially since every state has different rules and documentation requirements to follow.
Wyoming requires a 22-page packet to be completed; Georgia requires physicians to provide a résumé outlining their education, along with other personal information; Texas requires three applications to be completed if an individual has an attending physician, operating physician, and the hospital itself must be enrolled—adding up to a total of 264 pages worth of information.
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FDA on the Hunt for Its Own EHR System
The FDA is searching for an EHR system to conduct research about adverse drug reactions, reports Modern Healthcare.
Every Australian Could Have a Digital Health Record by October 15
Unless they explicitly opt out before October 15, every Australian will have a digital health record created for them under the government’s My Health Record system, according to Which-50. |
Changes in Store for HFMA Conference
By Heather Hogstrom
On June 24–27 in Las Vegas, the Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA) will hold its Annual Conference, a shift from its previous name, ANI (Annual National Institute). Besides this cosmetic change, HFMA is introducing new learning pathways. Attendees will have the opportunity to enjoy sessions from eight content areas, in either cohort or freestyle tracks.
Cohort tracks pair attendees with a working group, enabling them to spend the entire day in focused discussion on one of the following topics:
• business intelligence and analytics;
• creating a consumer-centric health care delivery system; and
• reducing total cost of care.
Freestyle tracks allow attendees to move freely between topics and attend any sessions they wish in the following areas:
• the future of revenue cycle;
• industry updates;
• leadership and organization capability;
• payment trends and models; and
• trends and innovations.
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Tweets From #ACDIS2018 in San Antonio
Welcome to San Antonio for the 11th Annual @ACDIS Conference! #ACDIS2018
Are you wearing your purple and orange today? Day 1 of #ACDIS2018 is #CDI pride day, so show us your best! http://ow.ly/LN2l30jZM3T
The theme for #ACDIS2018 is “One Thing.” What’s “one thing” you love about the #CDI profession? We’d love to hear from you whether or not you’re at the conference. http://ow.ly/t3XV30jZN3x
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Panacea Announces New Thought Leadership and Industry Knowledge Hub
Panacea, a provider of revenue cycle management, smart software, and enterprise-level educational solutions, is pleased to announce Insights, its new thought leadership and industry knowledge hub. This new platform offers unlimited access to health care revenue cycle management information through a free subscription. Insights is home to industry-leading news, case studies, on-demand webinars, white papers, and event information. Helping health care organizations improve their bottom line and strategic market position is at the core of Panacea’s mission. With extensive financial, administrative, executive, and hands-on clinical experience, Panacea’s consulting professionals understand how their recommendations impact an organization’s revenues and regulatory compliance. Learn more »
Versatile, Inc Launches Versatile Healthcare Solutions
Versatile, Inc, an end-to-end IT solutions provider, announced that as a result of recent hires and acquisitions, it is launching a new team that augments Versatile’s current portfolio of technology services in the health care space. Newly branded as Versatile Healthcare Solutions, it provides an expanded platform for Versatile’s HIT offerings. The new Versatile Healthcare Solutions team brings more than 15 years of experience and expertise in planning, implementing, and managing HIT solutions. Combined with Versatile’s traditional depth in cloud services, datacenter management, and networking, the new offering brings a strong set of additional capabilities to benefit new and existing clients. Versatile Healthcare Solutions will also focus on enabling and supporting technology that helps clinicians more effectively serve patients by curbing the burden of technology. Learn more » |
Have a coding or transcription question? Get an expert answer by sending an email to edit@gvpub.com. |
Conflict in the EMR
For various reasons, billing and clinical documentation in EMRs are often at odds. Read more »
The Sum of Its Parts
Correctly performing data aggregation enables the successful execution of many key hospital objectives. Read more »
A Ransomware Wakeup Call
The far-reaching Allscripts SamSam attack angered many physicians, prompting one to actually file a lawsuit. Read more »
What’s New in Cancer Staging
A variety of changes run the gamut from staging to grading. Read more » |
Former ONC National Coordinator Joins OpenNotes Advisory Board
The OpenNotes team is thrilled to announce Karen DeSalvo, MD, MPH, MSc, has joined the OpenNotes advisory board as of May 2018. In this role, DeSalvo joins a team of accomplished advisors providing counsel and informed guidance to the OpenNotes organization and its senior leadership. The board advises on strategy for research dissemination, discovery, measurement, patient safety, vulnerable populations, and other key tenets of the OpenNotes movement.
DeSalvo is a professor of medicine and population health at the University of Texas at Austin Dell Medical School. She served as acting assistant secretary for health and also the national coordinator for health information technology at Health and Human Services during the Obama administration. She was previously New Orleans Health Commissioner and Vice Dean for Community Affairs and Health Policy at Tulane School of Medicine.
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Tweets and Facebook Posts About #NCRAConf2018 in New Orleans
NICE! Enjoying @NCRAnews #NCRA2018 in NOLA this year! With so much new information comes so much valuable education! And of course, what’s better than adding a little fun in the mix. S/O to some of the vendors who know how to have fun! @MedPartnersHIM #NOLA #NCRA #CTR
Honored to present AJCC 8th edition Staging at the National Cancer Registrars Association @NCRAnews annual meeting in NOLA. Thank you for all you do to #finishcancer @Head_NeckSurg @ProvHealth @AJCCancer
Lori Somers
There’s an app for TNM Staging. Of course there is! #NCRACONF2018
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