NCRA News |
Gorgeous venue, great agenda ... not much more you can ask for. #NCRA2017 #RMCDS
Anne Auguste
Dr. Shulman keynote speaker at NCRA annual conference in DC: the role registrars play in improving quality cancer care.
Deidre Watson
Dr. Eisenhauer nailed it (what a registrar might say when asked what we do). Might just be my new motto: “Whatever it takes.”
Brave folks heading out in the rain for #HillDay #NCRAConf2017. Two of my @CHAMPShlthcare colleagues included. Thanks for being our voice!
Kelli Olsen
Great opportunity to meet with staffers from my congresswoman’s office and my senator’s office yesterday to promote cancer registry and health care. The only downside was that it was pouring and I couldn’t feel my toes for about four hours. #NCRAconf2017
Vicki Perdue Hawhee
Thank you David Geller from Charlie Christ’s office for meeting with me about the importance of cancer registries. #ncraconf2017
Registry Partners
Dr. Greene and Donna Gress are doing a great job answering AJCC Cancer Staging Manual, Eighth Edition at NCRA. #NCRAConf2017
#NCRAConf2017 enjoying every bit of the conference. A lot of interesting changes on the way for AJCC 8th Edition.
@AJCCancer presented a framed document to recognize appreciation for the dedication to Cancer Registrars in the 8th Edition @NCRAnews
Saw lots of heads nodding during our casefinding presentation today at #NCRAConf2017. Hope Amanda & I’s tips help!…
Rocky Mountain Cancer Data Systems
“Mistakes are training opportunities.” — Danette Clarke #NCRA2017 #RMCDS
NCRA thanks Linda Corrigan for her leadership as president and we look forward to working with Barbara Dearmon! #NCRAConf2017
NCRA thanks all attendees, sponsors, and exhibitors for a great 2017 conference. See you all in New Orleans May 20–23, 2018! #NCRAConf2017