MGMA News |
Speed, efficiency, patient volume, and accuracy are key benefits scribes bring to practices, says Kyle Matthews at his #MGMA16 session.
“Choose the EHR that will make you happy in 5 years” —Derek Kosiorek @MGMA #MGMA16
Your EHR ready for MACRA-MIPS? 4200 vendors are 2014 certified and so far only 19 are 2015 certified. #MGMA16 #MACRAscope
“The implementation of the #MACRA legislation will be a key priority for MGMA advocacy in 2017.” —@AndersGilberg #MGMA16
“Reading the final rule is like reading an IKEA manual.” #MACRAscope #MGMA16
@MGMA “report at least one MIPS measure in 2017 to avoid 4% Medicare penalty in 2019.” #macrascope #mgma16
What’s our end game? Measurable cost-effective quality care that shares provider financial risk for the pops they serve. @DennyFlint #MGMA16
One thing you take away from this? Get your providers to start coding comorbidities. @DennyFlint #MGMA16
.@TracyLSpears: Be a thermostat not a thermometer. Great leaders establish the temperature in the room. #mgma16
Schwab COO insists practices need to adopt technology to avoid becoming “flat squirrels” (roadkill from indecision). @IngeniousMed #MGMA16
Is telemedicine the future of #healthcare? @CirrusMD makes the claim during MGMA/ @PrimeHealthCO Innovation Challenge. #mgma16