E-Newsletter • January 2023 |

Editor's E-Note
A new rule issued by CMS for Health and Human Services to support the electronic submission of health information also aims to reduce administrative costs, lighten the burden of paperwork, and improve care.
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— Kate Jackson, editor |
 HHS Proposes New Rule to Standardize Health Care Attachments
CMS, on behalf of Health and Human Services (HHS), issued the proposed rule, “Adoption of Standards for Health Care Attachments Transactions and Electronic Signatures, and Modification to Referral Certification and Authorization Transaction Standard (CMS-0053-P).” If finalized, the proposed rule would adopt standards for “health care attachments” transactions, such as medical charts, X-rays, and provider notes that document physician referrals and office or telemedicine visits. The modifications to the adopted HIPAA transactions would support both health care claims and prior authorization transactions, standards for electronic signatures to be used in conjunction with health care attachments transactions, and a modification to the standard for the referral certification and authorization transaction. The proposed rule estimates a savings of $454 million annually in administrative costs and is a part of HHS’s and CMS’s ongoing efforts to significantly reduce paperwork burdens and empower health care providers to focus on direct patient care and streamline the care experience for patients and providers.
New Privacy Protections for People With Substance Use Challenges
A proposed change to the Confidentiality of Substance Use Disorder Patient Records under 42 CFR part 2 expands protection with respect to records disclosure to help patients avoid discrimination. The proposed rule also calls for improved coordination of care for patients receiving treatment for substance use challenges.
Privacy a Top Concern in Congress
The protection of health data, especially that not covered by HIPAA, is being championed by politicians on both sides of the aisle. Politico reports on the legislation that may result.
Increase in High-Intensity Billing for ‘Treat and Release’ ED Visits According to researchers from the VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System and University of Michigan, the share of treat and release visits and visits by patients with comorbidities, older patients, and those with potentially serious but nonspecific diagnoses increased from 2006 to 2019.
Computerized AI Makes Primary Care Physicians Feel Better Prepped for Patients
According to a study by the American Academy of Family Physicians Innovation Lab, a 30-day trial with 10 physicians in three practices showed that family physicians spent less time looking through patient charts and felt better prepared for patients thanks to computerized artificial intelligence. Medical Economics reports on the study. |
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The Lion’s Share of Claim Denials Are Linked With Medicare
The 2022 MDaudit Annual Benchmark Report that health systems urgently need to defend and increase revenues in response to lower patient volumes, staffing and resource shortages, and more third-party audits. Learn more » |
New Health IT Certificate Program
A new certificate program for IT professionals focuses on public health informatics. Dominican University offers an online certificate program for individuals with a bachelor’s degree and already in the workforce, and an in-person undergraduate program for those who want to take the courses as a minor. Learn more » |
Coding Spinal Procedures
Here’s the scoop on the multiple factors that make these procedures a persistent headache for even veteran coders.
FEATURE Prompt Response Required
As more requirements take effect, the pressure on release-of-information functions heightens.
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