Editor's E-Note
Kelly Shew, RHIA, CPC, CPCO, CDEO, CPB, CPMA, CPPM, CRC, CEMC, CGIC, CPEDC, an AAPC-approved instructor, is a member of the AAPC Documentation Advisory Committee and speaks often for coding chapters locally and nationally. Here, she talks with contributor Susan Chapman about an increasingly prevalent classification system used to forecast reimbursement.
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— Kate Jackson, editor |
 Hierarchical Condition Categories and Outpatient Clinical Documentation Improvement
By Susan Chapman, MA, MFA
Hierarchical condition categories (HCCs) are risk-adjusted Medicare and Medicare Advantage outpatient clinical documentation classifications used to forecast future provider reimbursement. Akin to diagnosis-related groups, or DRGs, for inpatient care, HCCs operate on the assumption that similar conditions among patients require comparable amounts of care and resources.
Each HCC has an individual value assigned to it. “We determine reimbursement by adding a value from each category for certain conditions that a patient has, combine that with demographic information like age and gender, and assign an overall patient-risk score,” explains Kelly Shew, RHIA, CPC, CPCO, CDEO, CPB, CPMA, CPPM, CRC, CEMC, CGIC, CPEDC, an AAPC-approved instructor. “As an example, the average patient in the Medicare population has a risk score of one. Healthier-than-average Medicare patients may have a rating that is less than one. If you have a sicker-than-average Medicare patient, that individual could be a little bit over one or well over one. Depending on their conditions, patients could have scores of two, three, or even into the teens. A higher score might pertain to someone like a transplant patient or someone with a number of chronic conditions. We then multiply that risk score by a dollar value to determine the capitation fee for each patient per month,” Shew says.
Reimbursing Virtual Reality
The RelieVRx program is the first digital therapeutic to receive a unique HCPCS Level II code by CMS. mHealth Intelligence reports on the program characterized as durable medical equipment.
Clinical Natural Language Understanding HIT Consultant looks at the emergence and acceptance of clinical natural language understanding technology and the advances that have made it increasingly common in health care IT.

The Rise of Speech Recognition
According to an article in EHR Intelligence, a KLAS report notes that improvements to front-end speech recognition have allowed it to rival the precision of transcription to become “the go-to clinical documentation platform.”
Addressing Health Care Disparities
With help from Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s (MIT) PKG Center, MIT student Mercy Oladipo is blending her computer science and molecular biology education to build tools that advance health equity. |
Have a coding or documentation question? Get an expert answer by sending an email to edit@gvpub.com. |
Pre-Encounter Medical Record and Diagnostic Solution
Health tech AI startup Credo has introduced PreDx, a proprietary solution that leverages 85,000 clinical network connections and AI to deliver more accurate documentation, improved patient outcomes, and optimize financial performance. It changes the previsit planning process by generating a complete longitudinal medical record summary before a patient’s visit, eliminating chart chasing by clinical staff—and ensuring an auditable diagnosis history. Learn more »

A New Analytical Tool Launches
Wolters Kluwer Legal & Regulatory U.S. has launched Outpatient Prospective Payment Systems Batch Grouper and Calculator Service—a new tool—within MediRegs, the company’s health care coding, reimbursement, and compliance solution. Health care revenue cycle, reimbursement, and audit professionals will be able to proactively analyze outpatient hospital reimbursement and make more informed decisions overall. Learn more » |
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